Together, let's prove that we can be counted on




Together, let's prove that we can be counted on

In relation to the situation in our country, we would like to inform you that the flooding has not caused us any losses, but only directly, as we are also affected by it, as are many other businesses and companies that base their activities mainly on tourism.

Dear Friends of Owl Valley!

We will be donating 50% of turnover (not profit!) from the coming weekend (21-22 September) to the organisation of the city of Pieszyce fighting the effects of the floods in our area.
PLN 4,000 is the minimum guaranteed amount that we will donate.
Owl Valley has stood for 116 years. It has survived two wars, floods, snowfalls, storms and other disasters. But only thanks to you! Only thanks to the fact that visitors from different parts of the country and the world have come to us. At the moment we are working normally. We have water, electricity, delicious food and good wine, the roads are passable. However, there is a shortage of Guests 😓 More and more bookings are being cancelled for the near future. Stay with us 🙏 because if we can keep going we can help those affected by the floods who have lost everything.


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